Title: FRAG.wad Filename: FRAG.wad Authors: Glenn Abry & Kevin Gallagher E-mail Addresses: (Glenn Abry) Compuserve I.D. #75222,717 Internet Sklorch@delphi.com (Kevin Gallagher) A.O.L. dj1017kg Internet dj1017kg@aol.com Compuserve I.D. #76341,2254 Misc. Author Info: We alienated our whole family on Thanksgiving Day to edit this one miserable little level. :^) Description: Map 1, great though it is, gets boring for deathmatch after a while. We've added some extra stuff just to keep it interesting. Works great in single player mode, too. But you GOTTA deathmatch on this bugger to really appreciate it. Additional Credits: Idgames and our wives, for not pulling us away from "those FRAGGing computers" by our privates. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ *Play Information* Map: Map 01 Single Player: Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player: Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player: Yes!!! Difficulty Settings: Yes New Sounds: No New Graphics: No New Music: No Demo(s) Replaced: Yes ( 1 Deathmatch, with -altdeath, just to show how it plays.) *Construction* Base: Map 01 Editor Used: A hacked version of DEU. Construction Time: From the time cousin Daisy arrived until the time uncle Mark left on Thanksgiving Day. (a couple of hours, most of that in playtesting.) Known Bugs: We had plenty of time to get rid of all of them while avoiding the aforementioned relatives. Copyrights/Permissions: Feel free to do whatever you want with this wad. All we ask is that you E-mail us if you really thought it an improvement. Also, feel free to send us a demo of how you did with it as a deathmatch. You know, a game film! Oh, Yeah, one more thing...If you really liked it, please drop your pants and bow to the east three times.